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My Portfolio Page @Yuuki

Trace of effort

Welcome to My Portfolio Pages

This is my portfolio pages. Here are the artifacts I created in my life. I am not used to using GitHub. And I am not very confident in English, but I will explain in hard.

This page is maked GitHub Pages and Jekyll .

My profile

My Profile Image

About me

Nice to meet you. My name is Yuuki, a 24-year-old attending Tokyo University of Technology. When I was a junior high school student, I started programming with an interest in creating games on my own.

This site is a portfolio site where I wrote what I have done. I want many people to know me.


Junior High School

Click here to see. In junior high school, I made a simple quiz game. This was my first programming.

Jump page(Junior High School)

High School (Industrial high school)

Click here to see. In High School, I made a lot of items. I studied programming in earnest.

Jump page(High School)


Click here to see. In University, I have a new challenge.

Jump page(University)


I have a dream. I want to be an infrastructure engineer. I am interested in various things and want to improve my knowledge and skills.